Cookie Dough Protein Balls

This quick and easy snack is a delicious - and more nutritious - way to curb your cravings for chocolate and sugar.


• 1/2 c. Peanut butter (or other nut butter)

• 1/2 c. Vanilla whey protein

• 1/3 c. Coconut flour, oat flour or almond flour

• 1.5 tbsp. Honey or maple syrup

• 1 tsp. Vanilla extract

• 1/4 tsp. Cinnamon

• 2-4 tbsp. Almond milk

• 2 tbsp. Chocolate chips

Mix all of these wonderful ingredients (except the chocolate chips) together, beginning with 2 tbsp. Of almond milk and adding more to get your desired consistency. The dough should be easy to work and form, and not too sticky.

Once you’re satisfied, add in those chocolate chips, use a ball scoop or two spoons to form balls about 1 tbsp. Each, and situate them in a container to pop in the fridge.

You can enjoy them immediately, or after they’ve been in the fridge for a few hours.


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