First Sunday Self Employed

What began as a wonderfully relaxing and productive Sunday quickly turned into a symbolic, meaningful and fulfilling day.

Tom made espresso and we walked the garden, admiring all of our happy plants after some heavy rains over night - up to two inches or maybe even more! We see what has bloomed, what has tipped over, what needs some help with drainage and what needs some supports.

He then surprised me with a date to the MSP airport viewing area where we watched airplanes take off for an hour or so. That was really cool to be so up close to so many aircraft coming and going. He has an app that shows the flight paths and aircraft types, so we were also being educated.

After that, we had a burger at Frenchman’s in Richfield, checked out a rock store and a parrot store - which were huge experiences themselves.

Now I had a wild desire to make zuchinni rhubard bread with the neglected rhubarb in the corner of our yard.

It just went into the oven, and I’m eager to see how it turns out. A pretty easy recipe, the only thing I had to pick up was zuchinni and greek yogurt.

Here is the recipe: Easy Rhubarb Zucchini Bread | The Every Kitchen

I’m also making some Summer Floral Spring rolls, recipe here: Edible Flower Spring Rolls | Live Eat Learn

Both are a wonderful way to celebrate the Summer harvest an enjoy the colorful flavors this season has to offer.

Needless to say, I’m able to relax and enjoy my days more than I was when I was working full time for an employer. There certainly are employers out there who support your well-being and want you to be happy and succeed - but they’re increasingly harder to find. Over time, working somewhere that consistently changes and doesn’t have any core values will wear you down and begin having negative effects on your health. There are so many warning signs that often times go ignored.

This change was a blessing - and I look forward to sharing the love and light I feel with all of my Northcast friends and supporters!


Mackinac Island: Explore the island


Easy Homemade Jam Bars