Go Back to That Special Place

There are places we will go that change us on a molecular level.

Places which provide vivid experiences for each one of our senses.

Some are visited frequently: a family member’s home, a cabin, a campground or a travel destination. While others we visit just once and are altered by the magic of moments.

Can you think of any places that are ingrained in your soul forever? Somewhere that you can imagine, and still smell the air or hear the sounds in the background?


One of these places for me is the Shores of Leech Lake Campground. Where my grandparents had an annual campsite a couple times a year. Our family would come and spend the days fishing and evenings by the campfire. Everybody brought bikes to ride around the pier and amongst the campground. There was a gazebo-style lighthouse around the opposite end of the pier with one table, 4 plastic chairs and a cribbage board - that was my grandma’s favorite bike ride. Across from the campground lobby, and adjacent to the boat lift was the fish cleaning house. This was where my grandpa spent a lot of evenings and mornings; cleaning many Northern and Walleye from the weekend catch. There was no loud music; no rowdy groups. Just families having a good time and enjoying the simple pleasures.

Just this past Summer, a friend and I took a very last minute road trip up to the Boundary Waters. Leech Lake happened to be right on the way, so we followed the signs for Shores Campground to make a quick stop. All of the memories that I described above overwhelmed me from the moment I pulled in. It was quiet; most campgrounds were pretty exclusive because of the shutdown. It’s a place that changed my life and continues to touch my soul every time I visit.

Our final destination became another one of these places for me. The campground we found was empty, with the exception of may fishermen who were launching their boats nearby. We had the place to ourselves and we took good care of the land we nested on. Everything that came with us, left with us. We experienced more magic than we ever anticipated and I am eager to head back there!

These have just been a couple notes, there are many more, but I hope that you read this and were able to reminisce some of those places you hold in your heart.

  • J


A girl named Anna