A girl named Anna

This morning was a whirlwind! 

Tom and I were up giggling at 430am after I had gone to the bathroom, and upon walking back through his bedroom doorway I stepped on not 1, but 2 pairs of sneakers. Internally laughed it off. 

Then when he came back from the bathroom I witnessed him step on the same pair of shoes 😂

Then, we hardly slept any longer, we were up at 6 having espresso and laughing again as we began our day. He took me to the airport around 6:50am and when I walked up to the security gate, the man informed me 

I’m supposed to be at terminal 2! 

My airline was sun country and he instinctively pulled up to a delta door, because that’s where we travel through about 90% of the time. I thought nothing about it; just went along.

So I meandered my way down the stairs, to a train, got off at the wrong stop, went up escalators - down escalators, and found another train. Said it was going to mall of America. I’m at full blown soft-internal-panic. Fear in my eyes but belief in my heart that I’d make my way. What do ya know, it stopped at terminal 2; my fear instantly subsided. 

And then….

I chose to sit at barrio for a parfait, a water, and a mimosa. There was a middle seat between a woman traveling alone, and a man also traveling alone. Once I was settled and chatted with the friendly bartender, I asked the girl next to me where she was traveling today. 

Bozeman, Montana. Her name is Sara and she was quite a breath of fresh air and beauty! We talked about travels to the west, around the world, our careers, and things we love. 

She made a point how traveling is amazing for it many reasons, but some of the best parts are those little chaotic moments - and how you move through them that ultimately make the greatest memories. 

It was that choice to talk to Sara that fueled my morning; an ambitious woman who was such a delight to talk to and quite an inspiration. 

Moral of the story, making new friends at airports is awesome. 


Finding the Why for Northcast


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