Determining what spice to make… and sell!

Northcast Fish Fry Batter was easy… and by easy, I mean it popped into my head as an idea one day while I was cooking and I thought immediately “that’s it!” That is going to be our signature product.

I hadn’t considered introducing another product in the food space for a very long time. The main reason being that I’m a cottage food producer (producing on a small scale, using my time to create product, and not able to sell in retail since it’s not officially licensed or inspected by the state.) So, with the little time I have in between working a full time job and maintaining relationships with family and friends, it’s a tough gig to think of expanding my small business activity!

plus, the margins once I do create beyond cottage food become more slim. I’d have to factor in license, insurance, commercial kitchen space, more ingredients, larger labels and of course: HELP!

So, my goal hasn’t been to hit grocery store shelves. I’m more of a campsite-word-of-mouth style.

My partner is a talented and creative cook. He makes everything from scratch pizza and meat pie to pállela and fresh pasta. He uses a lot of different spices, and loves to try new things. I’ve never met someone who so humbly enjoys cooking and feeding his people as much as he does. It’s one of my favorite things.
So bless his heart when he mentioned that “some day” he wanted to create a fry rub seasoning using his favorite spice: sumac.

Because those words were music to my ears. I said “I’m going to make it happen. WE are going to make it happen.” I got to work on a label immediately, and searched the internet for packaging. I asked for a large batch that I could put into jars; which was about 8 little 2 oz. jars the first round - enough to share with our friends and family, and use at our pool-side grill!

It’s amazing on red meat, fish, chicken, vegetables, mixed into yogurt for a dipping sauce and eventually… popcorn! *dangerously delicious!*

We are still selling our dry rub in small batches; at our local farmers market and to friends and family. We’ve received amazing feedback, and offer some recipe ideas, with videos coming soon.

We welcome any and all feedback! We’d love to know what you think of the Northcast Dry Rub with Sumac. It’s very special to us, and we know you’ll have some amazing meals because of it.

Heck, at the next Northcast event, we will even cook with some for you to try!

So in a messy nutshell… those are the things that led to the Northcast Seasoning. Being a small business is never easy; but if you follow your heart, and do what you love, and love what you’re doing: then you’ll go to sleep content and be grateful for every day. Oh and maybe some day your product will become a HIT!!
(we’re still waiting for that day.)


thank you for reading and for supporting Northcast.




Cooking with Northcast Dry Rub Seasoning


Deciding what to do in life… As much as possible.